Webster City September weather was warn with near normal rainfall.

Warm with near normal rainfall can summarize Webster City’s weather for September. Weather records at the KQWC-KZWC Radio Hill weather reporting station for the past month of September showed the average high at 78 degrees and the average low at 51 degrees. Normal high for September is 74 degrees for the Webster City area.Webster City’s warmest temperature was 94 degrees set the afternoons of September 4 and 5. As a matter of fact we had four days in September with the temperature at or above 90 degrees. The lowest recorded temperature was 41 degrees set the morning of September 18. As for rainfall there was 2.89 inches of precipitation for September. Normal rainfall for September is 2.80 inches so it was near normal this year.
The National Weather Service October outlook for Iowa indicates temperatures will be above normal with equal chances for precipitation. Last October the average high for Webster City was 64 degrees and the average low was 33 degrees. There was .89 hundredths of an inch of rainfall for October,2022.KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official weather observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.