Things were warm and dry in Webster City for August.

A warm and dry August defines Webster City’s weather. Records at the Radio Hill weather reporting station for the past month showed the average high for Webster City was 82 degrees and the average low at 58 degrees. Normal high for August is at 80 degrees. A total of 4.52 inches of rainfall was recorded on Radio Hill for the month of August. Normal rainfall is at 4.50 which is close to the just concluded month. Webster City’s warmest temperature for August was recorded last week on August 23 with a high of 96 degrees. The lowest temperature was 47 degrees set on the morning of August 18.
The National Weather Service outlook for Iowa for September indicates the month will bring above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation. In September 2022,Webster City’s average high was 76 with the average low at 50 degrees. There was 1.26 inches of rain in Webster City in September of last year. KQWC KZWC Radio is Webster City’s official observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.