Near normal weather conditions in Webster City for December.

Near normal temperatures and precpitation define Webster City’s weather for the month of December. The weather statistics for the past month at the Radio Hill weather reporting station at KQWC-KZWC showed the average high for December was 27 degrees and the average low at 10 degrees. The normal high for December is at 30 degrees. Webster City’s warmest day for December was set on December 2 with a high of 50 and the lowest temperature was December 23 with a low of 14 degrees below zero. As for precipitation we ended the month with 10 inches of snow with 1.25 of that in the form of rain or melted precipitation. The weather highlight of the month was the blizzard conditions from December 21 to 24. Travel was next to impossible with 4 to 5 feet drifts reported across several locations in Hamilton and surrounding counties. Interstate 35 was closed to traffic from December 23 and 24.
The National Weather Service outlook for January in Iowa is expected to bring above normal temperatures and equal chaces for precipitation. Last January in Webster City, the average high was 24 degrees and an average low at 3 below zero. There was 10 inches of snow measured with 1.07 inches of that in the form of rain or melted precipitation.
Here are Webster City’s weather numbers for 2022.
Rainfall for the year was 26.14 inches.
Snowfall for the year….29.20 inches.
Coldest day of the year for Webster City was on January 26.2022 with a reading of 22 degrees below zero.
The hottest day was on August 3,2022 with a high of 93 degrees.