Quiet month for Webster City weather.

The month of March was a fairly quiet month for weather in Webster City. Near normal temperatures but below normal precipitation can best summarize the weather. The average high for the past month was 46 degrees with the average low at 24. The normal high for March is 44. Webster City’s warmest day was on March 21 with a high of 73 degrees and the lowest recorded temperature was 2 above on March 12. As for precipitation,Webster City received 2.51 inches of rainfall with one and a half inches of snow. Normal snowfall for Webster City in March is at 5.7 inches with 2.55 inches of rain.

The National Weather Service outlook for Iowa for April is predicting above normal precipitation but equal chancess for temperatures. Last April in Webster City, the average high was 61 degrees with an average low of 35 degrees. There was only 38 hundredths of an inch of rain measured in April,2021 in Webster City. KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.