Memorial Day Closings set for May 27.

Monday marks the observance of Memorial Day. The day will bring a number of closings for the holiday. A number of area businesses will be closed. The Hamilton County Courthouse,all county offices and the Webster City Municipal Building will be closed for the day. Fuller Hall will be closed. Kendall Young Library will close at 6:00 this Friday evening for the Memorial Day weekend to reopen again Tuesday,May 28 at 10:00 a.m. All financial institutions and professional offices will be closed for the holiday. There will be no city or rural delivery of mail Monday from the area post offices. The Webster City post office box lobby will be open for patrons however the customer service window will be closed. Mail service will resume Tuesday. If you need a postage stamp,you may purchase them at the grocery and convenience stores. Classes in area school districts will be dismissed for the day Monday. School will resume on Tuesday,May 28th for the final few days of the school year.