Near normal conditions for November weather in Webster City.

Near normal temperatures and precipitation can best describe Webster City’s weather for the month of November. Weather records for the month showed the average high was 46 degrees with the average low at 23 degrees. The normal high for November is at 45 degrees. Webster City’s highest temperature for the month was on November 1 with a high of 75 degrees and the lowest temperature was set at 7 degrees on November 20. As for precipitation we ended the month with 1.34 inches of rainfall with four inches of snow for November. Normal rainfall for November is at 1.80 inches.
The National Weather Service outlook for December indicates this month will bring below normal temperatures and precipitation. Last December, the average high in Webster City was 40 degrees and the average low was 24 degrees. There was 77 hundredths of an inch of rain with two and a half inches of snow. There was one other weather event in December of last year we won’t forget. The outbreak of severe weather on December 15. KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official weather observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.