Mild and dry November in Webster City.

The November weather for Webster  City was uneventful as it was mild and dry month. Records at the National Weather Service  reporting station at Radio Hill showed the past month brought above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation to Webster City. The normal high for the month was 48 degrees and the average low was 24 degrees. Webster City’s warmest day last month was 65 degrees on November 7 and the lowest temperature was 9 above set twice on November 26 and 27. The average high for November is 37 degrees, As for precipitation, there was 1.32 inches of rainfall for November. Average precipitation for November is at 1.71 inches of rain with 2.5. inches of snowfall.

The National Weather Service outlook for December for Iowa indicates the month ahead will bring above normal temperatures and equal chances for precipitation. Last December in Webster City, the average high was 36 degrees and the average low was at 15 degrees. There was 7 and a half inches of snow measured last December with 56 hundredths of an inch of rain or melted precipitation.

KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official observer of the National Weather Service in Webster City.