Wet and warm October for Webster City.

Webster City experienced a month of both above normal temperatures and rainfall for October. Statistics at the Radio Hill weather reporting station for the past month showed the average high for October at 65 degrees and the average low at 42 degrees. The normal high for October is at 52 degrees. Webster City’s warmest day was 81 degrees set on October 8. The lowest temperature for the month was 27 degrees set October 27.
There was 5.85 inches of rainfall for October in Webster City. Normal rainfall is at 2.58 inches.
The National Weather Service outlook for November in Iowa is predicting equal chances for precipitation and temperatures for the month ahead. Last November the average high was 53 degrees with an average low of 26 degrees in Webster City. There was 2.14 inches of rain measured in November of 2020 in Webster City with a trace of snow. KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.